
2024-03-28 10:56:29 59 0


1. Blocking Foul


The act of illegal physical contact by a defensive player, impeding the progress of an offensive player.

2. Buzzer


A device used in basketball games to signal the end of a period or substitution.

3. Charging Foul


When an offensive player runs into a stationary defensive player, causing a foul to be called.

4. Dead Ball


A period during the game when play is temporarily stopped, such as after a foul is called or when the ball goes out of bounds.

5. Five-Second Violation


An offensive player who is closely guarded by a defender must either shoot or pass the ball within five seconds. In FIBA rules, this also applies to free throws, while in NBA rules, players have 10 seconds to shoot free throws.

6. Airball


When a player attempts a shot and the ball fails to touch the rim, backboard, or net.

7. And One


When a player is fouled while making a shot and the shot is successful, resulting in an additional free throw opportunity.

8. Assist


When a player passes the ball to a teammate who then scores, leading to the player who made the pass being credited with an assist.

9. NBA Various Shooting Techniques

  • Slam Dunk: 强力灌篮
  • Bank Shot: 擦板球
  • Double Pump: 拉杆式投篮
  • Fade-away Shot: 后仰式跳投
  • Hook Shot: 钩射投篮
  • Jump Shot: 跳投
  • Layup: 带球上篮
  • 10. NBA Positions

    Point Guard (PG): 控球后卫 (1)

    Shooting Guard (SG): 得分后卫 (2)

    Power Forward (PF): 大前锋 (4)

    Center (C): 中锋 (5)

    11. Referee


    An official responsible for enforcing the rules and maintaining order during a basketball game.

    12. Three-Second Violation


    When an offensive player remains in the opponent's restricted area in the key for more than three seconds without actively participating in the play.

    13. Technical Foul


    A foul called for unsportsmanlike conduct or any other violation not directly related to the game's normal rules.

    14. Travel


    When a player takes more than the allowed number of steps without dribbling the ball.

    15. Other Basketball Terms

  • Pick and Roll: 挡拆
  • Fast break: 快攻
  • Double-team: 双人包夹
  • Crossover: 走步变向过人
  • Zone defense: 区域防守
  • 以上介绍了篮球规则常见的英文术语及解释。篮球规则涵盖了比赛时的各种情况,规定了球员的行为限制与违规犯规的判罚方法。了解这些术语和规则对于理解篮球比赛并参与其中非常重要。

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