
2024-03-15 11:09:41 59 0


In NBA2KOL, 晃人 is an important skill to beat opponents. Here are some key techniques:

  1. NBA2KOL晃人键按法: While dribbling, press the shooting button.
  2. NBA2KOL晃人投篮键按法: While dribbling, press the shooting button after pressing the shooting button.
  3. NBA2KOL晃人过人键按法: While dribbling, press the shooting button and then press the passing button.

1. 迟疑步过人

迟疑步过人 is a very useful skill in NBA2KOL. By combining jumping and dribbling, players can quickly break through the opponent's defense. It is recommended to practice this skill in the training mode and master the rhythm and timing of jumping and dribbling. In actual games, 迟疑步过人 can be a powerful tool to get past defenders.

2. 跳步过人

跳步过人 is another effective dribbling technique in NBA2KOL. Players can use a combination of jumps and dribbles to quickly penetrate the opponent's defense. It is recommended to practice this skill in the training mode to become proficient in timing and execution. In a game, 跳步过人 can be a game-changer in breaking through the defense.

3. 空档加速

在NBA2KOL中,空档加速 is an important aspect of dribbling skills. The key to a successful break is not to press the acceleration button before making the move. Only after using a fake move to create an opening, press the acceleration button in the direction of the opening for the best effect. This technique requires a good sense of timing and awareness of the game situation.

4. 特殊方向键组合

特殊方向键组合 is a combination of special directional buttons that can be used for various dribbling moves. There are four special directional buttons: Z, X, C, V, but not all four buttons need to be pressed. Only two of them need to be pressed in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction while dribbling. The specific combinations of the buttons can create different dribbling moves and confuse the defenders.

5. 梦幻舞步

梦幻舞步 is a fancy dribbling move that can be used to deceive opponents and create scoring opportunities. The key combination for this move is W + directional button + light tap shooting button + shooting button. Mastering this move requires practice and coordination, but it can be a game-changer in breaking through the defense and scoring.

6. 转身运球

转身运球 is a dribbling move that allows players to change direction quickly while maintaining control of the ball. The key combination for this move is to accelerate and then release the acceleration button, followed by quickly pressing and holding the W key along with the directional button. This move can be effective in creating space and confusing opponents.

7. 快速变向

快速变向 is an essential skill in NBA2KOL. It involves changing direction quickly while dribbling to confuse defenders and create open passing or scoring opportunities. The key to this move is to release the acceleration button and then quickly press and hold the W key along with the directional button. Practice is crucial to mastering this move and taking advantage of it in games.

8. 顺时针/逆时针特殊方向键

顺时针/逆时针特殊方向键 is a technique in NBA2KOL that involves pressing specific directional buttons in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction while dribbling. This move can be used to confuse defenders and create open passing or scoring opportunities. The specific combinations of the buttons can create different dribbling moves and make it difficult for opponents to predict the player's next move.


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